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Dietary iron, water intake and risk of urinary bladder cancer: a case-control study

WCRJ 2020; 7: e1685
DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20209_1685

Alkaline water modules the expression of inflammation genes: in vitro model for cancer prevention

WCRJ 2020; 7: e1681
DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20209_1681

Nrf2 mutation at rs6721961 and its association with Nrf2 target genes in Breast Cancer Patients with No history of Chemotherapy

WCRJ 2020; 7: e1677
DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20209_1677

  Topic: Breast cancer, Molecular diagnosis     Category:

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The role of age on distant recurrence after breast conservative therapy vs. modified radical mastectomy among Iranian patients with early stage of breast cancer

WCRJ 2020; 7: e1673
DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20209_1673

  Topic: Breast cancer, Surgical oncology     Category:

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Depression and its associated factors in the caregivers of hospitalized patients with cancer

WCRJ 2020; 7: e1611
DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20207_1611

The main BCR-ABL mRNA transcript types and hematological features of newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia in Burkina Faso

WCRJ 2020; 7: e1613
DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20207_1613

Epidemiological study of breast cancer patients and their association with ABO blood group

WCRJ 2020; 7: e1615
DOI: 10.32113/wcrj_20207_1615

  Topic: Breast cancer, Epidemiology     Category:

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