A case report of dietary integration therapy based on hair mineral analysis slows the progression of multiple sclerosis. Implication for cancer prevention

WCRJ 2014; 1 (4): e349

  Topic: Cancer prevention     Category:


BACKGROUND: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is currently used for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) monitoring. Stop in the disease progression is revealed by negative MRI; the disappearance of the old lesions is considered by neurologists an event almost impossible.
Dietary intervention based on knowledge of mineral requirements, nutritional status, and genotype (i.e., “personalized nutrition”) can be used to prevent cancer and mitigate chronic disease.

CASE PRESENTATION: Male, 34 years old, European ethnic. He started having symptoms in 1999 while the Relapsing-Remitting MS was diagnosed in 2004. In May 2007, the patient underwent his first Hair Mineral Analysis, showing mercury and aluminium excess. After the first 6 months of dietary integration based on Hair Mineral Analysis (HMA) results, the patient noticed increasing of the strength, physical endurance, more energy, beside the disappearance of headache and other symptoms. Evaluation by MRI reported the reduction of the “amount of encephalic lesions” and of the “extension of the lesion located in the left near-trigonous white matter”; as well, “numerous plaques within the periventricular white matter in front-parietal region, bilaterally” disappeared. To date, symptoms are slowly but constantly decreasing. Concomitant HMA control shown a clear decreasing of mercury.

CONCLUSIONS: Neurologists and researchers agree on the fact that the disappearance of plaques din follow up MRI examinations is very unlikely and rare. Our result could be related to the decreasing of mercury in HMA, since many studies show a possible link between MS and mercury. According to our opinion, this report indicates that effort in research should be implemented to better understand possible links between heavy metals intoxication, MS and cancer events. Furthermore, based on a reliable test HMA and on a specific vitamin and mineral integration, we expect that more studies will be performed on this new field.

To cite this article

A case report of dietary integration therapy based on hair mineral analysis slows the progression of multiple sclerosis. Implication for cancer prevention

WCRJ 2014; 1 (4): e349

Publication History

Published online: 17 Dec 2014